전체 글98 거리공연축제Street Performance Festival 6월9일부터 12일까지 대학로 마로니에 공원 일대 2016. 6. 10. Memorial group exhibition for Michael Jackson, June 24th to July 5th at FIFTY FIFTY GALLERY 2016. 6. 8. "Shield" welding helmet, screen monitor, 27x34x20cm (2015) The video behind the welding helmet is the mouth that seems moving but there is no sound coming out of it, also it is upside down. I used a welding helmet to give a sense of protection. Also on top of the welding helmet, the image of the donkey's ears is printed upside down same as the mouth in the video. It represents that this whole society is upside down. I recently wondered about whether the.. 2015. 10. 8. 아라아트센터 국제기획초대전 2015. 7. 4. "Contamination" mixed media, video, dimension variable, 8 min 11 sec. (2015) http://youtu.be/7tkSg9ee_Kk The work entitled "Contamination" is about two of today's biggest issues: child abuse in daycare centers and child molestation in Korea. Children are the minorities of our society and they need someone to protect them and guide them. Because of dual-earner couples, children spend more time in daycare centers these days. During that time, they are exposed to abuse and.. 2015. 7. 4. "Tuning of space" group exhibition "Tuning of Space"group exhibition -July 10th to 17th at Ujung Art Center- "공간의 조율" 그룹전시 6월10일 오프닝6월17일 까지 유중아트센터 2015. 4. 16. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ··· 17 다음