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전체 글98

"Borumdal(Full moon)-Make a wish" video installation, dimension variable, 2min 30sec. (2014-15) https://youtu.be/Tyw8c9oSe_I    This work is about a recent event in Korea, the Sewol ferry tragedy. There were a total of 476 people on this ferry, but only 172 people survived and were rescued. The rest were dead or still missing in the sea. There are a total of 304 victims from this incident. I made this interactive piece to wish for those who haven't been found yet to come home to their fami.. 2014. 3. 31.
"Grandpa & My I" video with narration, dimension variable, 2min 22sec.(2013) (Installation shot)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmFnXiXoV-0  This is about my beloved figure in my life, my grandpa. I overlapped my eye with his eye. Images inside are the memories that we share, such as his birthday party, grandma’s birthday, my graduation, and so on. I added my narration which is about how and why my grandpa has become so important in my life and to me. 눈 시리즈는 인생에서 가장 큰 영.. 2014. 3. 27.
"Are you a voyeur? & Are you an exhibitionist?" interactive video installation, dimension variable, total 3min 57sec.(2011) (installation shot) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0IjKgwFv8 This is a series of work. The concept for this piece,” Are you a voyeur? ” is a Voyeurism. My inspiration comes from my childhood memory and Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, “Rear Window (1954)”. In each windows of apartment will show the footages that are related to me. I provide myself as the object to be looked at but I am in control of .. 2014. 3. 27.
"Erasable pencil" video and installation, dimension variable, 1min 18sec.(2006-2013) (Installation shot)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngUVB-Zimd8 This piece is also about my frail memory. The lead of the pencil is made of eraser, instead of real lead. The function of the pencil is to write but in my work, the pencil is to erase which is a paradox. Video is projected on the wall: it says “My memory has an eraser”. 'Erasable pencil'이라는 작품은 제목 그대로 지워지기 쉬운 나의 기억력에 관련된 작업이다. 일반적으로.. 2014. 3. 27.
"Is Beauty Good?" interactive video installation,38x57x11cm,2min 16sec.(2012) (Installation shot)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LibpyymO0MU This is about “Look-ism”. Also inspiration comes from famous animation, Snow white, which has a character who is obsessed over beauty, snow white’s step mother. The monitor reflects mirror image. It defines beauty based on the average pixel value of viewer’s face. On top of viewer’s face, another faces will show up: one is evil (Bar.. 2014. 3. 27.
"MJ & MY I" video, dimension variable, 3min 46sec. (2014) http://youtu.be/0m1So84IoHY I made this video to dedicate to my one and only king of Pop, Michael Jackson. I overlapped my eye with MJ's which is to cherish my memory of him and added my voice. This is one of the series of video works. 'MJ & My I'라는 작업은 지금은 이 세상에 존재하지 않는 나의 우상, 그리고 수호천사이자 세상에 하나밖에 없는 천재 뮤지션인 마이클 잭슨을 기억하며 만든 작업이다. 2009년 7월 8일 영국 런던에서 마이클 잭슨은 comeback concert를 준비하고 있었다. 하지만 콘서트를 약.. 2014. 3. 27.