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My Work/2014-20153

"Contamination" mixed media, video, dimension variable, 8 min 11 sec. (2015) http://youtu.be/7tkSg9ee_Kk  The work entitled "Contamination" is about two of today's biggest issues: child abuse in daycare centers and child molestation in Korea. Children are the minorities of our society and they need someone to protect them and guide them. Because of dual-earner couples, children spend more time in daycare centers these days. During that time, they are exposed to abuse and.. 2015. 7. 4.
"54 Divine mothers-They had dreams, just like you and me-"video installation, dimension variable(min. 76x74cm),10min 15sec. (2015) http://youtu.be/225gHxPUOto  I made 54 person-shaped candles. These human-shaped candles represent those who are still living. I chose the color blue due to its meaning: "wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance. Other uses include healing, sleep, perception, truth, loyalty, dreams, and the examination of emotions. Some say it represents the divine mother". -from"www.ps.. 2015. 2. 3.
"MJ & MY I" video, dimension variable, 3min 46sec. (2014) http://youtu.be/0m1So84IoHY I made this video to dedicate to my one and only king of Pop, Michael Jackson. I overlapped my eye with MJ's which is to cherish my memory of him and added my voice. This is one of the series of video works. 'MJ & My I'라는 작업은 지금은 이 세상에 존재하지 않는 나의 우상, 그리고 수호천사이자 세상에 하나밖에 없는 천재 뮤지션인 마이클 잭슨을 기억하며 만든 작업이다. 2009년 7월 8일 영국 런던에서 마이클 잭슨은 comeback concert를 준비하고 있었다. 하지만 콘서트를 약.. 2014. 3. 27.