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"Eye of the beholder" video installation(2016) ​​ ​​https://youtu.be/42ABweSgWW4 오래된 아크릴좌대를 업사이클링하여, 망원경으로 관람하는 눈을 업스케이링하고 동시에 밖으로 끄집어냄으로써, 망원경이라는 도구를 통해서 보던 눈을 관객에게 보여줌으로써 “보다, 보여짐을 당하다” 라는 두 가지 의미를 역설적으로 표현해 보았다. 이 작품의 제목은 보는 자의 눈이란 뜻을 가진다. 망원경을 통해 타자를 엿보는 눈이 반대로 노출됨으로써, 관음증 또는 감시카메라를 통해서 더 이상 사생활, 사적인 공간이 보장되지 않는 우리 현실에 대해 이야기해보고 싶었다. 2016. 7. 15.
"Contamination" mixed media, video, dimension variable, 8 min 11 sec. (2015) http://youtu.be/7tkSg9ee_Kk  The work entitled "Contamination" is about two of today's biggest issues: child abuse in daycare centers and child molestation in Korea. Children are the minorities of our society and they need someone to protect them and guide them. Because of dual-earner couples, children spend more time in daycare centers these days. During that time, they are exposed to abuse and.. 2015. 7. 4.
"54 Divine mothers-They had dreams, just like you and me-"video installation, dimension variable(min. 76x74cm),10min 15sec. (2015) http://youtu.be/225gHxPUOto  I made 54 person-shaped candles. These human-shaped candles represent those who are still living. I chose the color blue due to its meaning: "wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance. Other uses include healing, sleep, perception, truth, loyalty, dreams, and the examination of emotions. Some say it represents the divine mother". -from"www.ps.. 2015. 2. 3.