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전체 글98

"Korea in Hand" video, dimension variable,1min.(2013) (Installation shot)   This is a series of works. These are pictures and videos of places where I lived and visited in Korea and I made a collage out of them. 2013. 11. 25.
"Globe in Hand" video, dimension variable,1min 11sec.(2013) (Installation shot)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lix9_hTcH2c  These are pictures and videos of places where I lived and visited on earth and I made a collage out of them. 2013. 11. 25.
"Palette" video, dimension variable, 2min 29sec. (2010-2012) "Palette" video, dimension variable, 2min 29sec. (2010-2012) The video itself are the footages of my everyday life and my drawings and painting are overlapped in order to show the colors of my everyday life. 2013. 11. 25.
"Collaboration video work of 2nd Miracle festival in Sogang University(my part)" video, dimension variable,2min11sec.(2011) This was a video made for a festival called “Miracle” in university of Sogang. (Dimensions Variable). This festival was held for Thanksgiving Day in 2011. This video was projected on a pyramid shaped white wall. As you can see, this was a festival which performance and video were integrated. 2013. 11. 25.
"Privacy" video, dimension variable,5min 04sec.(2004) 2013. 11. 21.
“Toronto Attacked by lonely little monster “ black and white photograph,19x24cm (2003) I took a picture of downtown Toronto and added a face of dinosaur which represents me by using dark room effect. Due to my feeling of being different among normal people, I empathize with monsters that are treated badly and differently because of their difference. 2013. 11. 21.