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2015 April 10 to 24 -Memorial exhibition for Sewol ferry disaster 2015 April 10 to 24 -Memorial exhibition for Sewol ferry disaster 2015년 4월 10일부터 24일-304명의 세월호 희생자를 위한 추모 전시 참가 예정-장소:안산문화예술의 전당 전시실- 2015. 2. 27.
"54 Divine mothers-They had dreams, just like you and me-"video installation, dimension variable(min. 76x74cm),10min 15sec. (2015) http://youtu.be/225gHxPUOto  I made 54 person-shaped candles. These human-shaped candles represent those who are still living. I chose the color blue due to its meaning: "wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance. Other uses include healing, sleep, perception, truth, loyalty, dreams, and the examination of emotions. Some say it represents the divine mother". -from"www.ps.. 2015. 2. 3.
"Being MJ" performance video, dimension variable, 1min 22sec. (2015) https://youtu.be/GIWCxIqYY8k  I dedicate this work to Michael Jackson who is my one and only King of Pop. I wore a mask of MJ and walked around the places, such as Leeum, the Samsung Museum of Art, the park near my house, Sukchon Lake where Rubber Duck (by Florentijn Hofman) was in, and Museum San, from spring to winter. By wearing the mask of Michael Jackson, I wanted to bring back the presence.. 2015. 1. 13.
작가 약력 학력홍익대학교 미술학과 조소전공 박사 수료(서울, 한국)서강대학교 예술공학 미디어아트전공 석사 졸업(서울, 한국)온타리오예술디자인대학교 서양화 전공 졸업(토론토, 캐나다) 개인전2025 사라지는 목소리, TINC(구 명성교회), 서울2024 상대적 우연에 노출된 취약한 존재들, 고양아람누리 미술관 상설전시장 2, 고양2020 이한나展, Gallery MOON101, 대구2020 生硬門圖II 생경문도II, 선재미술관, 전주2020 生硬門圖 생경문도, 교동미술관, 전주2019 묘로여행, 서리풀청년아트갤러리, 서울2018 空-비우기, 대구예술발전소, 대구2017 중고 속 나라, JH Gallery, 서울 2013 할아버지 집, Gallery Cafe La Seine, 서울2009 Obsession, CUBE .. 2014. 11. 10.
"Grandpa's home" 2nd solo show 2014. 9. 14.
"Obsession" 1st solo show 2014. 6. 26.