상실2 "Borumdal(Full moon)-Make a wish" video installation, dimension variable, 2min 30sec. (2014-15) https://youtu.be/Tyw8c9oSe_I This work is about a recent event in Korea, the Sewol ferry tragedy. There were a total of 476 people on this ferry, but only 172 people survived and were rescued. The rest were dead or still missing in the sea. There are a total of 304 victims from this incident. I made this interactive piece to wish for those who haven't been found yet to come home to their fami.. 2014. 3. 31. "Grandpa & My I" video with narration, dimension variable, 2min 22sec.(2013) (Installation shot) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmFnXiXoV-0 This is about my beloved figure in my life, my grandpa. I overlapped my eye with his eye. Images inside are the memories that we share, such as his birthday party, grandma’s birthday, my graduation, and so on. I added my narration which is about how and why my grandpa has become so important in my life and to me. 눈 시리즈는 인생에서 가장 큰 영.. 2014. 3. 27. 이전 1 다음