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My Work/2012-2013

"Grandpa & My I" video with narration, dimension variable, 2min 22sec.(2013)

by 이한나 HannaLee 2014. 3. 27.


(Installation shot)


"Grandpa & My I" video with narration, dimension variable, 2min 22sec.(2013)





This is about my beloved figure in my life, my grandpa. I overlapped my eye with his eye. Images inside are the memories that we share, such as his birthday party, grandma’s birthday, my graduation, and so on. I added my narration which is about how and why my grandpa has become so important in my life and to me.


눈 시리즈는 인생에서 가장 큰 영향을 미치고 사랑을 많이 주신 나의 친할아버지, 그리고 저의 영원한 우상 마이클 잭슨 등 지금은 이 세상에 존재하지 않는 이들에게 바치는 영상작품들이다.